
Pick an image to recieve shadow work messages from Goddess Hecate.

Goddess Hecate is known as a dark goddess, she is the goddess of witchcraft, shadow work and crossroads. She is known to guide our path of healing and growth. She holds the torch that helps us see how we are holding ourselves back from embracing our light. She is also known as a moon goddess.

Take your time to pick an image that resonates with you, Pick an image that you’re drawn to the most, Then check for your reading below.

Image 1

If you chose this image you might be struggling with anxiety and overthinking, it’s likely you are dealing with intrusive negative thoughts or you are living in fear. You tend you always be afraid of something cuz you tend to feel unsafe because of the thoughts that come up in your mind
In this new moon, Hecate wants you to know that your negative thoughts aren’t real and they don’t define who you are. There is nothing to fear but to change your thoughts patterns, perspectives or beliefs that makes you feel scared or unsafe. And also you should remember that you are safe in your body, your body is your safe space. The body brings us back to the peace and joy of the present moment. In this new moon connect with your body and practice being in your body as it is a great way to connect to your inner safety.
Also you are possibly not really in connection your heart right now because your are always in your head figuring everything out and that causes you to overthink everything or to be anxious about every step you make. In this new moon Hecate wants you to know that your heart holds the key to answers of all that you desire, listen to your heart. Choose the voice of your heart above overthinking and over-analysing situations.

These breath work meditations below would help you connect with your body and the present moment.
Nervous system reset guided breath work
I am safe 10 mins guided meditation

Image 2

If you picked this image, You might be a perfectionist and that is has been affecting your mental health, emotional health and your overall well-being negatively. It might also be stopping you from moving forward in some areas of your life.
In this new moon Hecate wants you to have compassion for yourself, embrace more compassion for yourself not just because you deserve it but because perfection doesn’t exist, it’s an illusion of the mind. Accept the truth that you can never be perfect and that is okay and beautiful and just begin to live your life for yourself.
Also perfectionsm might have been making you neglect some parts of yourself that your needs love and attention. You might be neglecting some parts of you that’s needs love, healing, peace, protection, boundaries, safety, compassion and acceptance. This new moon take time to discover parts of yourself that you might be neglecting and find out what they need.
These meditations would help you have more compassion for yourself
Self compassion meditation
Developing self compassion

Image 3

If you picked this image you might be either struggling with loving your body exactly as she or which how your body looks or you might not be giving your body what she needs like rest, healthy food or you might not be taking care of your body the way she wants to be taken care of, you may be taking substances that may be harmful to your body. Whichever of these that resonates with you.
In this new moon, Hecate wants to remind you that your body is your temple and you should treat it like a temple, with unconditional love and respect, You should honor your body. Remember your soul chose to live in this body of yours, so take care of your body, give her what she needs, love your body exactly as she is, let go of anything that doesn’t serve your body and remember to be kind to yourself and your body. You can treat your body with love by practicing glamour magic. Learn about glamour magic in one of my blog posts here
Listen to glamour spell music

