
I didnā€™t know pussy massage was a thing.
This is something I discovered on my own, I one night I couldnā€™t sleep, I didnā€™t know what to do, then I was just like instead of masturbating let me just massage my pussy. Then I began to massage my pussy and I then discovered my 4 pusssy massage techniques that made me release tension from my body, feel so relaxed and I was able to sleep

My first step was to massage by vulva with my palm while I was inhaling and exhaling softly and gently
I brought my awareness to my breath and also the senses in my pussy. This helped me release tension.

Then my second step was the play with my pussy hair, softly and gently. This made me relax. I did that while making saw I was still consciously breathing with gentleness.

My third step was that I use both of my hands or I used my fingers to run the lips of my pussy together, I rubbed my pussy lips against each other gently and softly. Clapping them together using my fingers while I still tried to maintain breathing gently. This made me feel so relaxed

Lastly was that I massaged my clit, rubbed it gently till I felt so relaxed and calm.

So I created this audio to guide you through a pussy massage, my voice here was quite low,
Make sure you use your headphones šŸŽ§
I hope you enjoy this

Pussy massage practice for sleep meditation

