My inner child healing story


To me, inner child healing in its simplest definition is giving/showing love to that part of you that feels unloved, unheard and unseen or loving the version of you that felt unloved for who you are when you were a child or giving yourself the love you wish you were given /shown as a child.

I feel everyone has a common inner child wound, which is feeling unloved/unlovable for who we are

As a young girl, growing up I experienced hate, discrimination, bullying from my peers in school, from teachers, family members, I was also shamed for my imperfections and mistakes, people projected their insecurities on me by trying what they could to make me feel bad about myself and body. I also didn’t feel seen, understood and wasn’t given enough attention that I needed as a child by my parents. All these experiences made me a love addict, I was always looking for love outside of myself, so I played small, people pleased, was over giving, stayed in toxic relationships, was moving from one romantic relationship to another in search for love, chose people’s happiness and well-being over mine, wasn’t able to set boundaries and also didn’t feel good about myself. My innerchild didn’t want to feel unloved and I was subconsciously looking for love & validation outside myself.

I started my inner child healing journey by writing a love letter to my inner child, letting her know that all that happened wasn't her fault at all and shouldn't blame herself for how unfairly she was treated.

Another practice that helped me heal my innerchild was inner child visualisation meditation. I visualised my innerchild right in front of me while I make her feel loved, in the meditation practice through visualisation, I give my innerchild everything, all the love and validation she needed, I also asked her what she needs, give her all the things I loved as a child, all I ever wanted as a child, I play with her, have fun with her, treat her like I would treat my daughter. All in the visualisation meditation practice.

Other ways I've healed my innerchild was to practice self compassion, honor my childish nature, honor my humanness, letting go of self criticism, giving myself grace to be human and imperfect, honoring the things I loved as a child like watching my favourite cartoon when I was younger, feeling my emotions without judgement, by not letting myself to see my innerchild as a problem or a part of me that needs fixing but instead seeing my innerchild as a part of me that needs my unconditional love, accepting the truth that there's nothing wrong with me regardless and everything about me is divine and perfect. All these has helped me heal my innerchild and is still helping me build a healthy and loving relationship with myself.

