
Full moon in capricorn is all about ending karmic cycles, I've been ending some karmic cycles in my life as well. Today's channeled self-love messages, is all about the karmic cycles ending in our self-love journeys in this full moon.

Hope it resonates with you 💗

Pick and image to find out what karmic cycles are ending in our self-love journeys in this full moon.

Take your time to pick an image that resonates with you, Pick an image that you’re drawn to the most, Then check for your reading below.

Image 1
If you picked this image then the karmic cycles that may be ending in your self-love journey or life during this full moon may be the cycle of giving your power away. You might have been repeating or stuck jn this cycle for a long time now. During this full moon you may discover the ways or how you’ve be giving your power away. The ways you let your thoughts, beliefs, people and their opinions, external circumstances and situations affect you, your mental health and your growth. You’ll be taking back your power by letting go of what you can’t control and by trusting and believing in yourself. By accepting what is and letting go of what ever takes your power away. You take your power back when you own your gifts and magic, when you really believe in yourself, when you trust yourself and your power to create the life you desire. You take your power back when you stop letting external circumstances, situations, people, thoughts and opinions stop you from loving you and doing you.

Affirmation: I won’t let this situation, person, thought, opinion (what ever you are letting take your power away) stop me from growing and thriving, I won’t let it stop me from loving myself unconditionally, I won’t let it stop me from living my best life, the life I desire.

Image 2
If you picked this image then the karmic cycles that may be ending in your self-love journey or life during this full moon may be the cycle of not living for yourself or the cycle of seeking of external validation. In this full moon, you may become more conscious of this cycle, you’ll become more aware about the fact that you may be living for others and not for yourself or you are always seeking external validation. You’ll begin to learn to say no instead of always trying to please others at the expense of your wellbeing. You are learning to own your worth, you are accepting that not everyone would like you because you’re not for everyone. You’ll be learning to validate yourself and also stop seeking external validation. Live for you, validate yourself, choose yourself first, you are worth it all.

Affirmation: I end the cycle of people pleasing in my life, I end the cycle living for others and seeking external validation to be happy. And so it is.

Image 3
If you picked this image then the karmic cycles that may be ending in your self-love journey or life during this full moon may be the cycle of not feeling deserving of happiness and pleasure. You may be realising how much you don’t let yourself enjoy you and your life, enjoy the moment and just be in pleasure and happiness. You might be feeling that you don’t really deserve the pleasures of life till you meet some certain standards or till you have all the money you want. You may be so used to hardship, saddnes and pain that you don’t know how to let yourself to just to feel happy and feel pleasure. This full moon you are ending this cycle, you are beginning to realise that you deserve the good of life. You deserve so much of the good of life. You’ll begin to let yourself be happy. You desire to live a pleasurable life and enjoy the moment. You deserve pleasure, you deserve to feel happy without guilt and shame, you deserve good and wonderful things.

Affirmation: I begin to let myself live in pleasure and happiness. As I have spoken so it is.

