
This is for the women that desire to express their erotic nature, they love to look and feel sexy, and they want to feel sexy and beautiful in their own skin. They want to show off and express their beauty and their sluttiness. But because of societal matrix or beliefs of what beauty and being sexy is and what is not, they don't feel safe to do that.

For you to connect with your erotic essence and feel comfortable in your own skin as a woman, for you to feel comfortable expressing your sensuality and sluttines. You need to learn to feel safe and beautiful in your body.

Before I started wearing clothes that show off my body I realized that I was wearing baggy clothes to cover my bulgy stomach, cuz I felt it wasn't sexy to have a bulgy stomach. Also didn't feel safe expressing my erotic essence with sexual partners because I didn't want to feel/look ugly during the process. I learned to feel comfortable in my own body and skin and see my body as my temple and a vessel to express who I am. I practiced body love rituals and beauty rituals to help me connect to the beauty and sexiness of my body. Then I began to feel safe to show off my body. I did it because it felt right and feels good, not to get male attention. I also began to desire to wear more slutty clothes and dress more feminine too.

Feeling comfortable in your body and your skin as a woman would help you express your erotic essence in the way that you desire. You need to embody your beauty and feel beautiful exactly as you are. It is a journey. It is a process it is a choice.

Being erotic and sensual is not an aesthetics, it is our human nature. It is not meant for only Instagram models and influencers, or celebrities, it’s not meant for a particular body shape or body type. It is your birthright to feel sexy, to feel sensual, to dress sexy, to be slutty, to express your erotic essence, it is your birthright to take those sensual photos and share them if you want to.

Also, I feel some women don't feel safe expressing their eroticism and erotic desires with their partners because they feel it'll make them look ugly and weird to their partners but it is not true. If you feel this way this is a sign you need to reclaim the beauty of your wild and erotic nature

Societal standards or opinions about beauty and sexiness are SHIT!. Fuck those standards and opinions.
Reclaim the beauty of your wildness reclaim the beauty of your body exactly as she is and begin to feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, and erotic exactly as you are.

Happy Eroticism Queen 😻🌹

